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What is the trajectory of a soccer ball?

Level :

Middle school, High school



Students carry out the kinematic analysis of a shot on goal from a video from the video library. They can also analyse their own video taken with a smartphone. They analyze the trajectory to determine if it is rectilinear, and the speed to check that the ball's movement is uniform. Introduction to video analysis using FizziQ kinematics module is fully described in the protocol.

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For an introduction to kinematic analysis using FizziQ, you can watch this video :

The protocole for the experiment we propose is the following :

1. Study of the trajectory and speed of a soccer ball

2. In the Tools menu, select Kinematic Study, then Video, then press FizziQ Resources

3. In the browser, find the penalty video and copy the link

4. Go back to the Cinematic menu and tap on Internet, then on the Copy icon

5. Video of the shot on goal appears on the screen

6. To do the kinematic analysis, determine the scale by placing the origin and the end of the ruler on the marker, then entering the length of the ruler

7. Press Pointage and, with the arrows at the bottom of the screen, position the sequence on the start of the ball

8. Pin the positions of the ball by moving the target on the ball then tapping the screen to validate the position

9. Enter all positions and press result

10. Select the data you are interested in and press Notebook

11. The data is added to your notebook where you can analyze it

12. Studying the positions, what do you think of the trajectory of the ball? Is it straight?

13. What shape would this curve have if the footballer had given an effect?

14. By studying the speed of the ball, do you think the movement is uniform?

15. Document your analysis by adding text and photos and share it!

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