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What is it ?
Chronophotography is a photographic technique that involves capturing images of a moving subject at regular time intervals and superimposing them on the same image. We therefore see in a single image the entire movement of an object or a living being. The history of chronophotography goes back to the beginnings of photography, with the first experiments carried out in the middle of the 19th century by scientists and inventors such as Eadweard Muybridge and Étienne-Jules Marey. Muybridge in 1878 made a series of photographs of moving horses using an automatic trigger device to take pictures at regular time intervals. Marey meanwhile, in 1882, developed a device he called animal photographer , which used continuous film to capture moving images at a speed of 12 frames per second. These early experiments led to the invention of the motion picture camera, which made it possible to capture moving images at higher frame rates. Today, chronophotography is used in many fields, including scientific research, medicine, sports, and cinematic special effects.
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