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Linear acceleration

What is linear acceleration?

Level :

Middle School



In this discovery module, the student studies the notion of linear acceleration and the different components of this acceleration. He discovers that speeding up and slowing down are equivalent.

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1. What can an accelerometer be used for?

2. In the Instruments tab, press the central dial, then select Linear Acceleration X

3. Quickly move your phone to the right, keeping it parallel to the ground. You see on the graph that the measurement is positive first, then negative

4. Try to move your cell phone faster or slower, analyze the sign of acceleration, what do you see? Can you identify which phase of movement is associated with a positive or negative number?

5. Move your cell phone to the left, watch the acceleration sign, what do you see?

6. By analyzing the force you apply to your cell phone during the different phases of the movement, can you give some rules for knowing the sign of acceleration.

7. When is the acceleration greater in absolute value?

8. Try to move your cell phone upwards, what do you see? Can you deduce what the acceleration X measures?

9. Document all of your experiences in the notebook with text and photos.

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